Join us
Membership is open to all : those who have undergone, or are about to undergo, cardiac procedures, to their families and to all who wish to support the aims and objectives of the Club.
Though there is of course no obligation to be a member to receive the support of our visitors, your support as a member, even simply through your subscription, will be much appreciated. In return you will be kept informed about the Club’s activities through our regular Newsletter which will be sent to you quarterly.
To JOIN or to RENEW your membership just complete your application by one of the following options :
Option 1: Paying by post : PRINT off THIS FORM, fill it in, sign it & post it to us with a cheque for your membership fee
Option 2: Paying online : FILL IN the form below with your details, complete the Account number & Sort Code request box, and click on the submit button. We will then email you our Account number & Sort Code to complete payment online. Your membership will be registered on receipt of payment.
Membership Application Form
If joining by post please send your application form and cheque to:
Membership Secretary, The Ticker Club, North West Heart Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital, Southmoor Road, MANCHESTER. M23 9LT
Please make all cheques payable to: The Ticker Club
- Single Membership: £10.00 per annum
- Dual Membership: £15.00 per annum (two people living at same address)
If sending gifts/donations, please complete our GIFT AID form to give us an extra 25p in the pound!
Contact Us
The Ticker Club, North West Heart Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital, Southmoor Road, Manchester M23 9LT
Phone: 0161 291 2873 Email:
Registered Charity No. 519754
Affiliated to the British Heart Foundation